Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The boring part of the job

So somehow getting the website cobbled together as an accurate reflection of what I'm actually doing has taken me the better part of a week—mostly getting the words right (or wrong, depending...) but also more frustrating issues like unruly colors and realizing that I had been inserting the Wrench Nepal logo in place of the title of the page, which meant that any link you clicked was a weird computerized crapshoot to any other page on the Wrench Nepal website, since all of them had the same name: -.html.

I think all that sort of thing is fixed now, but honestly, I like fixing bikes, not computers. There's just more satisfaction in jobs you do with your hands.

You should see the changes in the next couple of days, once Tom has agreed that I'm not embarrassing the both of us. And when all the updates go live (volunteer page! a revised "What is Wrench Nepal"! Oh my!) I'll also send out the broader solicitation email looking for new staff.
The goal is to get at least two people, after all.

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